Title: The Nanny
Author: Emma McLaughlin
and Nicola Kraus
Ships Launched: 811
Pages: 306
Publisher: St. Martin’s
Year Published: 2002
Genre: Comedy,
Synopsis: Wanted: One young
woman to take care of four-year-old boy. Must be cheerful, enthusiastic and
selfless—bordering on masochistic. Must relish sixteen-hour shifts with a
deliberately nap-deprived preschooler. Must love getting thrown up on,
literally and figuratively, by everyone in his family. Must enjoy the delicious
anticipation of ridiculously erratic pay. Mostly, must love being treated like
fungus found growing out of employers Hermès bag. Those who take it personally
need not apply.
Who wouldn’t want this job?
Struggling to graduate from NYU and afford her microscopic studio apartment,
Nanny takes a position caring for the only son of the wealthy X family. She
rapidly learns the insane amount of juggling involved to ensure that a Park
Avenue wife who doesn’t work, cook, clean, or raise her own child has a smooth
day. When the Xs marriage begins to disintegrate, Nanny ends up involved way
beyond the bounds of human decency or good taste. Her tenure with the X family
becomes a nearly impossible mission to maintain the mental health of their
four-year-old, her own integrity and, most importantly, her sense of humor.
Over nine tense months, Mrs. X and Nanny perform the age-old dance of decorum
and power as they test the limits of modern-day servitude.
The Nanny
Diaries has never failed to make me smile, no matter how many times I re-read
it. The absurdities of the X family and the acts that Nanny goes to to please
them are so hilarious and outrageous, one cannot help but chuckle.
And while
the book is quite amusing, there is sweet little Grayer. He is so adorable,
whether he’s locking Nanny out of the apartment or sitting on her lap, helping
her turn pages of a book.
And yes,
the book is funny and adorable, but it is also a bit disturbing. I know it is
fiction, but I couldn’t help but wonder if people really lived like that. Do
people really leave their children in the care of a nanny, go to the spa all
day, and call it being a stay-at-home mom? Can husbands really care that little
about their family? And how in the world can you treat someone the way that
Mrs. X treats Nanny?
Of course,
I know all these things are true in one way another. These things do happen.
But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Oh, sorry.
Excuse my mini rant.
Aside from
all of those disturbing bits, The Nanny
Diaries really is an entertaining book. It’s not the most meaningful thing
I’ve ever read, but not everything has to be meaningful! Everyone needs to be
able to pick up good chick lit once in a while and have a good laugh.
grandmother was absolutely fantastic. Her wildness was admirable, and she
didn’t let her age stop her from being young, if you know what I mean. She was
very funny, but she was still kind. I would love to have her as a friend, even!
I love that
not that many people have real names in this book. Or maybe they do. Maybe Mr.
and Mrs. X are actually Mr. and Mrs. X, and maybe Nanny’s name is Nanny.
And let’s
not forget Harvard Hottie. Oh my, he is wonderful. How does someone like him
have such horrible friends?
If you want
a light, humorous read that will make you smile (not to sound clichéd, or
anything), I highly recommend The Nanny
Diaries. The movie isn’t half bad, but Scarlett Johannson never was my
favorite actress. And. The. Movie. Is. Different!
“But, Ahlorha,” you might say. “All movies are different from the book!”
“But, Readers. It was really different!” I would reply.
“Really, really different!”
Oh my, am I talking to our imaginary readers
+36 – Grayer the Adorable – How can
he be so cute and adorable with parents like that?
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